Connect with the Healing Ocean

Dr Sandy Ziya runninb barefoot on the beach

Another reason to sign up for the Naked Feet 5K: it grounds you! 

Have you heard of grounding? Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth.

Being near moving water nourishes the body with mood-boosting negative ions while walking barefoot in the sand creates a grounding effect—both of which have proven benefits for health and mental outlook.

Scientists believe that connecting the body to the Earth enables free electrons from the Earth’s surface to spread over and into the body, producing antioxidant effects.

Among other things, grounding can:

  • decrease inflammation and pain in your body
  • normalize levels of cortisol in your body, resulting in less stress
  • increase blood flow and therefore increase circulation
  • boost serotonin in the brain which boosts mood

In addition, the ocean itself boosts a number of benefits:

  • sea air improves your sleep – the negative ions in sea air accelerate your ability to absorb oxygen and also help balance your serotonin levels, one of the body’s happiness hormones
  • saltwater helps your body heal – it’s rich in minerals such as magnesium, chloride, sodium, potassium, iodine, sulfur, and numerous trace minerals, many of which have curative and anti-inflammatory effects
  • allows you to relax – your exposure to negative ions will enhance your immune system, increase alertness, and improve your concentration

Deepak Chopra says: “The reason you feel better is by connecting to the earth, you reset your biological rhythms.”

The fact that this race serves SO very many health mechanisms (brain function/mental health/vitamin D synthesis/ community building) means it confers INCREDIBLE opportunities for sustainable health.

Want to know more about grounding? Read Why Run Barefoot and Unf@! Your Feet.

This does not constitute medical advice in any way, if you have questions about your personal health situation contact Dr. Ziya OR other licensed medical provider.

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