Monthly Archives: July 2021

3 posts

b12 lozenges

Nutraceutical spotlight: B12 Lozenges

When you follow a vegan diet, you might not be getting enough Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is not synthesized by your body, you can only get it from animal sources, including dairy, eggs, fish meat and poultry, or fortified foods. With age, it becomes harder for us to absorb this vitamin, so a supplement may become necessary.

If you think you may be B12 deficient, don’t self medicate. Get in touch with Doctor Ziya so she can give you a full evaluation and let you know the best way to proceed.

Nutraceutical spotlight: Annatto-E-GG

Fatty Liver Disease is on the rise in the western world, and sadly does not affect only adults. Children now suffer from this disease as well. The good news is Fatty Liver Disease can be reversed. We need to change our diets to eliminate sugar; but to rehabilitate the liver, this Annatto product is essential. If your diet is suboptimal and carb heavy, I urge you to discuss NAFLD (Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) with me so that we can evaluate long term liver health. Please know that you cannot supplement yourself out of fatty liver disease. Lifestyle habit changes are required! Doctor Ziya can coach you through proper nutrition as well.

Annatto-E GG combines tocotrienols and geranylgeraniol, two powerful ingredients that support healthy aging, cellular energy generation and maintenance of muscle and bone mass during the aging process.